Wednesday, April 25, 2018

My Life My Choice (Written by Myah Powers)

Today the class headed to My Life My Choice, in Boston MA. My Life My Choice is an organization that is helping exploited youth. They do this through survivor lead mentor ships and do training so professionals who come into contact with youth can see the warning signs.

While at My Life My Choice the passion behind each of the employees was radiating. We met Lisa, executive director and Ann, director of mentoring services. They were just so incredibly passionate and genuine about the work they are doing, and I think that is an important factor in non-profits. I enjoyed the vibe of our meeting, Lisa and Ann were great at making it feel like a conversation, they were not over the top at all and very confident just being themselves. I think this speaks for their organization. They were very excited to tell us about some news they had found out that morning about a law being passed to prevent sex trafficking on online websites, such as back page. I thought it was great that they are not only focusing on their mentees and their services in the community but also fighting for the whole big picture. My Life My Choice has traveled to many states to spread awareness and provide training. We wrapped up our meeting with some questions and they were all answered well. Overall, I personally believe My Life My Choice did a fantastic job presenting themselves and showing why they deserve the grant.

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Our Goal (Written by Tiffany Evens)

Our class has been given the opportunity to donate $10,000 to a nonprofit organization that expresses great need. The foundation, Learning b...